DO NOT auto-fill fields when filling out registration forms.
All adult volunteers (18+) must be LiveScanned by June 10, 2024 in order to serve at this event. The form will be attached to your registration confirmation, and is also available to pick up in the church office. If you have already been LiveScanned with The Garden Fellowship, you do not need to be LiveScanned again. Your form requirement will be marked complete once verified through office staff.
If you have any questions, please email Christin at
Don’t forget to register any child/children you will be bringing with you immediately upon submitting your volunteer registration form. Click here to register your Kinder-5th Grade child. Pre-K programming is provided for volunteer's children, ages 0-5 years, for those volunteers who commit to serving for the entirety of VBS week. Click here to register your preschool-age child.
Thursday, June 13 :: 8am-1pm :: SETUP SESSION #1*
Friday, June 14 :: 8am-12pm :: SETUP SESSION #2*
Friday, June 14 :: 1-5pm :: SETUP SESSION #3*
Saturday, June 15 :: 9am-12pm :: SETUP SESSION #4*
Saturday, June 15 :: 1-4pm :: SETUP SESSION #5*
Sunday, June 16 :: 1-5pm :: SETUP SESSION #6*
June 17-21 :: 8:00am-1:00pm :: SCUBA VBS!
Friday, June 21 :: 1:00pm :: Tear Down
All VBS volunteers MUST attend one setup session between the six being offered
All VBS volunteers MUST attend an area specific training. Your team leader will be contacting you with the options for your training days.
“Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them.”
Psalm 69:34